
The lebanese siblings Hassan, Lial and Maradona are successful dancers and musicians living in Berlin’s notorious district Neukölln. But the three have a problem: their family is in danger of being deported out of Germany. Determinded to keep the family united, they plan to use their artistic talents to earn enough money and secure the family’s future.

But the pressure has its toll on the siblings. Between Lial and Hassan a rivalry arises about who of the two is the family’s bread-earner. In the meantime Maradona is getting himself into trouble and gets kicked out of school. Torn between the ambitious life-style of his elder siblings and the street-life of his friends he finds himself at the crossroad between motivation and resignation. A little hope arises when Maradona surprisinlgy is accepted in a tv-casting show. Should he win the 100.000€ cash-prize, it could be him who will secure the family’s future in Germany.

Neukölln Unlimited
Dokumentarfilm von Agostino Imondi und Dietmar Ratsch
Deutschland 2010, 52/96 min, 35 mm

An INDI FILM Production in co-production with Noirfilm and RBB
In collaboration with Arte

MEDIA, FFA, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg und DFFF

GM Films

Neukölln Unlimited


Festivals & Preise (Auswahl):
Berlinale 2010 (Gewinner des Gläsernen Bären)
Buster Kopenhagen 2010 (Preis für den besten Dokumentarfilm)
Chicago International Children‘s Film Festival 2010 (Preis für den besten Dokumentarfilm)
Movies That Matter Film Festival (MovieSquad All Rights Award)
Sarajevo Film Festival
Buenos Aires Festival International de Cine Independent
Singapore International Film Festival
Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
Seoul International Youth Film Festival
Brisbane International Film Festival – Cine Sparks
Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival.